This test has been developed by Jellinek. The test is for people who sniff cocaine. The test will help you discover whether you are taking too many risks. The test has 16 questions. Once you’ve answered the questions, you’ll receive the test results, with information about your score. Depending on your score, we’ll make certain recommendations.
1. How often do you take cocaine?
2. How many grams of cocaine do you usually take?
3. How often have you taken cocaine when you were not intending to, or were planning to stop taking it?
4. How often do you take cocaine in combination with alcohol?
5. Do you ever take cocaine in combination with other drugs?
6. Have you ever thought to yourself, ‘I’m going to cut down or stop’?
7. How often in the past year has your use of cocaine affected your performance in your work or studies?
8. How often in the past year have you got into arguments with friends or strangers after taking cocaine?
9. Can you still enjoy going out without taking cocaine?
10. In the past month, have you taken cocaine in places where you normally wouldn’t do so, for example at work as opposed to nightlife situations?
11. What are the most important reasons why you use cocaine? Click below three reasons that apply to you.
12. When you take cocaine, what people do you usually take it with?
13. Have you ever felt worried about your use of cocaine?
14. Do you ever feel down or depressed on the days after taking cocaine?
15. Does your nose ever hurt or bleed?
16. Has a friend or acquaintance of yours who also takes cocaine ever told you that you really need to cut down on coke?